beating the system!

Monday, July 13, 2009 at 8:29 AM
i figured out a way to update my blog from work. suh-weeeet.

#974597 things I love: sticking it to the man!

so I decided I'm going to do a new thing every time I post. Roses to things I like and thorns to things that suck. got it?

well, i went home this weekend to dog sit the world's worst dog. mr. puggles was so bad for me! he only wanted to eat peacock shit. ate like 5 piles of it. would search out the peacock shit like deliberately because i was telling him not to eat it. and then he kept getting out of his gates. he only wanted to sleep on my back on friday night and then decided it was puppy play time at 6AM. on saturday, we were out by the pool and he thought it'd be cool to run around on the garage rooftop, you know, possibly drop like 20 feet to his death. not cool, dog. THORNS to mr. puggles. THORNS.

and for my roses, it will have to be time with old friends that i never get to see anymore. over the weekend i hung out with emily and andrew by the pool and then went to see the proposal. the movie was good but i preferred just chilling with them talking over actually doing something with them. odd, but i missed them. and with my bachelorette coming up, i'll get to see more old friends. that should be so much fun. ROSES to friends :D

another thing that gets roses, is HARRY POTTER tomorrow. I cannot wait. currently, it is 39 hours and 27 minutes away. and eddie stroma, the guy playing cormac mclaggen... he gets a whole bouquet of roses himself because he's such a hottie. please see for yourself.normally i don't agree with perez hilton's drawings on pictures, but for once he draws the truth. for reals. ROSES all around to HP and the HBP!

now enough with flowers. i'm going to list what's new in my life.

  1. got a cute new addition to the family - Colby the skinny kitty! he's four years old and just so cute. Thomas and him get along great (thank God)
  2. most of the wedding plans are finished. just working on invitations, the program, and booking that honeymoon! vacation time was approved so two weeks off! woot! (ok, I lied, I'm not done with flowers. vacation time... that gets a rose!)
  3. wedding dress fitting tomorrow night. i have my shoes, purse, and possible jewelry. now to just figure out my hair. maybe i should do it myself in a sort of style to get the gist of what to expect. hmmm.
and yeah, now i think i should go back to work and actually do something i'm suppose to : /

::womp womp womp::


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